Usage Manual

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Executes the authentication of the user and redirect to the list of calls page.

  • Button About: Validate the application version.
  • Button Login: Validate the user credentials and redirect to the list of calls.

List of calls

Shows the list of calls in a specific day and call detail (callID, store name, county)

  • Button Logout: Logout the user and redirect to the login page.
  • Button Search: Execute the search based on the specified date or call detail.
  • Selection Call: Open the submission or call detail. Each call of the list display the flags (Closed, Submitted and Cancelled)

Submission Creation

Shows the call details

  • Button < Back: Return the user to the list of calls.
  • Button Submission: Redirect the user to the create submission page.

Submission Detail

Shows the submission details

  • Button Menu: Open the submission menu.
  • Button Save: Save the submission details.

Submission Side Menu

Shows the submission menu options

  • Button Call: Open the call details.
  • Button Detail: Open the submission details.
  • Button Audit/BLitz Fields: Open the audit/blitz fields.
  • Button Photos: Open the photos/reports upload page.
  • List Photos: Return the user to the list of calls.
  • Button Menu: Return to the page.

Call Detail

Shows the call details

  • Button Menu: Open the submission menu.

Submission audit/blitz Fields

Shows the blitz/audit questions.

  • Button Menu: Open the submission menu.
  • Button Save: Save the audit/blitz answers.
  • Button < Prev: Show the previous question.
  • Button Next >: Show the next question.

Submission Photos

Shows the photos/reports files.

  • Button Menu: Open the submission menu.
  • Button Add: Upload one or more photos.
  • Tab Photos: Show the submissions uploaded photos.
  • Tab Reports: Show the submissions uploaded reports.
  • Button Delete: Delete uploaded photo/report.